HAS Board

The Board is responsible for providing strategic direction, programming and implementation of its legislative-assigned scope of action and function. As the decision-making body of HAS, it is responsible for maintaining high standards and impartiality of its activities and results. The Board deliberates on assessments, recommendations and decisions regarding accreditation of health and social care organisations, in addition to approving institutional policies and overseeing in-house performance.

The Board is comprised of seven members, appointed by decree of the President of the French Republic based on various government proposals (President of the French Republic, health Minister, President of the French Senate, President of the French National Assembly, President of the French Economic, Social and Environmental Council). The term runs for 6 years and is renewed once, with half of the Board renewed every 3 years.

Board Members

  • Lionel Collet, President

  • Karine Chevreul (from February 1st 2024)

  • Pierre Cochat

  • Claire Compagnon
  • Anne-Claude Crémieux

  • Catherine Geindre
  • Jean-Yves Grall

  • Christian Saout


General Direction

In keeping with the Board's direction alongside the President, the general management leads the organisation. With close ties to the Board and Work Council, the HAS Director equally relies on the specific expertise and support provided by the General Secretariat.

Operational Departments

Medical, Economic and Public Health Assessment Department

Improvement in Quality Care and Safety Department

Quality of Social Care Department

Communication, Information and Public Involvement Department

General Secretariat

Standing Committees

With the support of their respective scientific and technical division, the 8 specialist committees are responsible for examining the dossiers that fall within their area of expertise. Each specialist committee is chaired by a Board member and operates according to its own internal regulations.



Chaired by

Accreditation of healthcare organisations

Healthcare Organisation Accreditation Committee

Catherine Geindre

Evaluation of medicinal products

Transparency Committee

Pierre Cochat

Economic and public health evaluation

Economic and Public Health Committee 

Jean-Yves Grall

Evaluation of medical devices and health technologies

Medical Technology and Interventional Procedure Committee

Jean-Yves Grall

Vaccine and vaccination expertise

Vaccine Committee

Anne-Claude Crémieux

Recommendations, relevant care, care pathways and indicators

Health Care Management Committee 

Claire Compagnon

Evaluation of social care services and best practices

 Social Services Committee

Christian Saout

Evaluation of diagnostic, prognostic and predictive health technologies 

Diagnostic,Prognostic and Predictive Health Technologies Evaluation Committee

Anne-Claude Crémieux

Inter-committee Meetings

Inter-committees meetings may be coordinated, at the request of the President of the HAS, to deliberate on the evaluation of medical products and technologies.

Council and Interface Committees

Public Involvement Council

As part of the HAS Strategic Plan 2019-2024, the Public Involvement Council was set up to guide all users of health and social care services. The council and associated expertise shall serve to build on the work produced thus far by the institution.

Interface Committees

Established in 2015, two interface committees were set up to tend to an annual work program with health industry representatives and associations. These committees exchange on evaluation procedures, transparency measures, and on recommendations issued by the CT (Transparency Committee) and CNEDiMTS (Medical Technology and Interventional Procedure Committee).


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