The Guideline Impact Committee, in coordination with three regulatory committees involved in the assessment of health products, is responsible for preparing the decisions for the Board, especially on:

  • implementation modalities for certain HAS recommendations
  • evaluation of guideline impact, notably in terms of change in professional practice
  • general follow-up and evaluation principals with regards to the impact of HAS productions

To carry out its mission, the Committee may be supported by associated HAS’ departments, professional organisations or working groups. It may also hear from experts or stakeholders.

In addition to the missions listed above, the Board may entrust the Committee with projects, inquiries or consultations that it deems useful for the preparation of its decisions.


Full Members

The Committee is composed of twenty-one full members appointed by the HAS Board for a 3-year term, renewable twice:

  • a chair appointed from among the members of the HAS Board;
  • an ex officio vice-chair who is the chair of the Transparency Committee;
  • nineteen individuals appointed based on their expertise, two of which represent patient or user associations.

If a Committee member's seat becomes vacant, for any reason, another appointment can be made under the same conditions and for the remainder of the term.

The National Medical Advisor of the CNAMTS also participates in the Committee, in an advisory role.

External Participation to Committee Meetings

The chair of the Committee may call on any competent person whose contribution is considered useful, including external collaborators, to provide complementary input and/or to contribute towards a one-time assignment.

The chair of the Committee may invite any member of the HAS Board to Committee meetings.

All participants at Committee meetings sign an attendance sheet indicating name and position.

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