Proposed method for the development of periodic certification standards for registered health professions

Methodology guide - Posted on Jul 20 2022

In France, following the publication of Ordinance no. 2021-961 of 19 July 2021 relating to the periodic certification of some health professionals, the Haute Autorité de Santé (French High Authority for Health) has been asked to propose to the Minister for Health a method for drawing up certification reference systems. The method was finally adopted without modification by the Minister, after a favourable opinion from the National Council for Periodic Certification.

The periodic certification of health professionals is a new system which integrates existing systems. As defined by the Ordinance, it has four components:

  • updating knowledge and skills;
  • improving the quality of professional practices;
  • improving the relationship with the patient;
  • taking into account the practitioner's individual health status.

The obligation is based on a periodicity of six years and concerns seven health professions with a professional order (chiropodists, dental surgeons, medical doctors, midwives, nurses, pharmacists and physiotherapists). A national reference system for periodic certification is drawn up by each of the national professional councils (CNP). These standards are approved by order of the Minister of Health, who may refer the matter to the Haute Autorité de santé for an opinion during their development.

A guide (available in French and English) and its summary (only available in French), "Proposed method for developing periodic certification standards for registered health professions", were developed in the context of work with representatives of the NPCs of the seven professions concerned and “France Assos Santé”. They were produced after an analysis of foreign recertification/validation systems and an inventory of the methods and tools available in France. These analysis data are presented in a report entitled "Ressources pour l'élaboration de la méthode et des référentiels proposés pour la certification périodique des professions de santé à Ordre” (Resources for the development of the proposed method and reference systems for the periodic certification of registered health professions-only available in French).

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